




Educational Kinesiology






   Mediation is an elegant process of conflict resolution.  As a mediator, I set ground rules for the mediation making it a safe place to work through conflict. I remain neutral, listen deeply, ask clarifying questions, and repeat what I heard to be sure of what the person is saying.  This allows the other person in the mediation dyad to be an observer and, therefore, to be able to listen more sincerely.  Each person has an opportunity to speak and be heard, before we begin the process of looking for possible new ideas and solutions to the issues.  I love this process and have seen miracles happen as people say “I didn’t know you felt that way”.  It is often difficult for people to really listen when they are talking with someone during a conflict, because they can be busy deciding how to respond to convince the other person to do what they want them to do.  By teaching them to listen without having to prepare a response, clients can often relax a bit, knowing that they will get an opportunity to say all they need to say.  This also provides an opportunity for them to see the situation from a new perspective. 

   In mediation, I take notes to make sure that we deal with as many issues as possible.  I assist my clients to come up with agreements and practical solutions that will really work.   We even write the agreements and have both people sign them so they can have it in writing.


For more questions or to schedule an appointment contact Julie Newendorp at

(805) 963-3088 or by email at mesajewel@cox.net


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